Termite Protection Sheeting Systems
Termite protection sheeting systems are termite membranes, which are thick, flexible polymer sheeting, containing a long-lasting insecticide. Being impregnated with insecticide, these membranes provide both a physical and chemical termite barrier, making this method of pre-construction protection safe, affordable and very effective.
Homeguard Blue Sheets
In any building construction, the services (water, drainage, electricity and phone) create a large number of “penetrations” which give termites easy access from the soil to your house. Termites can travel up the inside of the conduit (pipes) or on the outside of the pipes, even squeezing through caps between the pipes and any surrounding concrete. In houses constructed on a concrete slab, these penetrations are hidden in the slab and so need to be protected during the construction process.
HomeGuard sheeting products provide protection from subterranean termites for under building slabs and building perimeters. Best Termites Control is an accredited registered installer of HomeGuard Termite Barrier and listed on the HomeGuard website as the professional termite protection service provider in Victoria and Melbourne.
Homeguard blue sheets are installed to the edge of the slab as part B treatment. The Part B Termites Treatment is applied before timber framing. In Part B of termites protection and treatment, additional chemical and/or physical products will be used around the perimeter of the house at varying stages during the building process.
By chiselling around every penetration and applying silicon like material name (Termiflex) produced by HomeGuard physical termite barrier manufacturer to solve this issue of termite protection. furthermore, HomeGuard Collars are innovative, pre-formed concrete slabs for protecting surface penetrations. They conceal termite entry for buildings and other structures.